Sunday, July 5, 2009

Teens Scenes: Excitement pure, the first car

We all have been there and remember the day we got our first car. Probably the largest purchase or present at that time in life, I remember worrying how to protect it from any harm. As a teen you can hide things under your bed, even get away locking your room to protect your belongings. But if you don't have a garage to your disposal as a teenager, you may encounter some sleepless nights.

I remember all too well the day my friend and I drove to his co-workers house, in my pocket 800 hundred German marks, the price he asked for his 1974 Ford. The man worked for a Ford dealership, the car was in great condition. I was in 7th heaven driving home. I parked across the street on the sidewalk, my mom and my brother came rushing out and together we admired its precious vinyl upholstery and the beautiful lines of the body, sure this had to have been the best car in the world.

My mom and my brother got in the car and we drove around the block, then spontaneously and sudden, decided to go visit my grandma 6 miles away. It was dark when we drove home, I remember loving the lit gauges and armatures.
I had trouble going to sleep that night, I remember sitting up in bed every hours, staring out the window at my newly purchased car.

devastation came 6 months later, when I hit a guardrail on the Autobahn, but, I turned around and fixed the car then enjoyed her for another 6 months. I've had very mixed emotions when I traded with a friend for a newer Volkswagen Golf, but my other brother down in south Germany wanted a Golf and I wanted the car he was willing to trade for a golf. A 1981 Toyota Cressida, loaded with luxury.

Being in the automotive business for many years, I sold hundreds of first cars to teenagers. I feel the excitement. The glare in their in the eyes of young people going on a test drive with them to show the car, then doing the paperwork is always something very special to me. I know how they feel and I always make sure to give them the best service and help.

Share your first car, story in form of comments with us and don't forget to select the "Anonymous" setting to post comments, if you don't already have a google account.



  1. At special request: it must be a man thing, this: remembering the day I bought my first car? I don't remember it at all. I do remember though the day that my first car was towed off by the highway patrol police :) The bottom was hanging out from under it, they said and showed it to me on the bridge. That really pissed me off, because it had been for a major check up only a few months before. We speak of the early 80ies here :)

    With greetings from twitter

  2. I am 17 and last year I purchased my first car, 1988 Porsche 944.
    I protect that thing more than any other of my possessions. The first week I had it, I spent 7 hours washing and waxing it.

    I am now hooked on German cars for life and am currently about to learn how to speak German. You seem like you've had a pretty cool story to tell.


  3. Wait... the person above me got a Porsche as their first car??? Arg! I got a Honda and I promptly and sadly destroyed it by hitting an airport transport van. Sad days those were....

  4. Hey Nick, glad to hear from you. Sounds strange that somebody would start off in a Porsche as their first automobile. The 944's are highly admired by youngsters these, for one they are inexpensive and readily available.

    When you say "promptly" does that mean you destroyed it the day you got it?


  5. I don't care about my first car ('67 Cougar), but my LAST car will be a bright red 70-74 VW Bug! Fell in love when I was a teenager, and I've owned two prior including one auto-shift. Those old models are still my favorite VW, which will always be my fave make of vehicle. A true German girl at heart until I die.:)

  6. to learn how to speak German. You seem like you've had a pretty cool story to tell.

    Work from home India

  7. Being able to buy one on your own while you’re a teenager is definitely a big thing! I missed out on that privilege by a year – I bought my first car at 20, with the money I had saved up while working. I bought a used Camaro, and then saved up for another year to have it re-painted and re-upholstered in leather.
